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Synthetic Circuits...



This site presents a synthetic circuit database which integrates the biological parts to perform logical functions those observed in electronic networks. A Synthetic biology is the engineering of biological parts, the synthesis of complex, biologically based systems which display functions that do not exist in nature.The goal of this database is to generate an array of tunable and characterized parts and modules with which any synthetic biological circuit can be easily designed and implemented. The complexity of the biological systems with their myriad biomolecules and interconnections as well as sparse databases of gene function however impedes the attainment of this ideal goal.






In recent years, the disciplines of systems biology and synthetic biology along with bioinformatics have gained importance as the embodiments of the future of biological science. For the biological circuits, the need is to produce quantitative predictions of cell behavior for a given genotype as consequence of the different molecular interactions. There is a great synergism between the fields of systems and synthetic biology such that methodologies from one can help make significant advances in the other.A synergy between systems and synthetic biology lies in the efforts to expand and automate the process of parts identification

There are reports and evidences for the synthetic circuit in prokaryotes and eukaryotes like E.coli and yeast systems but there are no reports in the literature suggesting the synthetic circuit construction for protozoan parasites. The project serves to the first attempt made to use synthetic biology approach for the construction of genetic circuit for the protozoan parasite Leishmania.

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