Introduction of FACS Core Facility
Flow cytometry is a powerful tool for the multiparameter analysis of cells of all types. The Flow Cytometry Research Core facility provides a centralized resource for technical expertise and major equipment. The Core supports and enhances experimental design and execution of basic and applied researches that require flow cytometric cell analysis or cell sorting.
To achieve this objective, the Facility offers the following services:
- Expert consultation is provided through the Facility In-Charge and our technical specialists
- FACS instruments are selected for complementary functions
- Equipment use is accessible through dedicated technician-operators
- Assistance with data analysis can be customized to the needs of individual investigators and research projects.
Flow cytometry is a popular laser-based technology to analyze the characteristics of cells or particles.Flow cytometry is a widely used method for analyzing the expression of cell surface and intracellular molecules, characterizing and defining different cell types in a heterogeneous cell population, assessing the purity of isolated subpopulations and analyzing cell size and volume. It allows simultaneous multi-parameter analysis of single cells.
It is predominantly used to measure fluorescence intensity produced by fluorescent-labeled antibodies detecting proteins, or ligands that bind to specific cell-associated molecules such as propidium iodide binding to DNA.
The staining procedure involves making a single-cell suspension from cell culture or tissue samples. The cells are then incubated in tubes or microtiter plates with unlabeled or fluorochrome-labeled antibodies and analyzed on the flow cytometer.
The core facility contains six major pieces of equipment that perform multiple functions. Current services include: multiparameter analysis on cell suspensions and small to large volume cell sorting. Types of cell analyses include: cell maturation phenotypes; cell proliferation and activation (cell cycle/DNA content, CFSE dye; calcium flux, CD69, Annexin-V); intra-cellular proteins (cytokines, cell cycle regulators, viral products); quantification of molecular promoters and reporter genes (GFP, beta-gal; FRET).
Live cell sorting is performed to recover cell subsets, identified with any combination of the above mentioned analysis tools. The Facility In-Charge and technicians are available to help with the design of custom flow cytometry protocols to achieve the specific needs of researchers.
FACS Cytek Aurora
FACS Moflo Astrios
Workshops and Training
Please contact FACS Facility Contact No. - 020-25708284/8287/8289 Mail-id :
- Mr. Amit S. Salunkhe Technical Officer A
- Mrs. Ashwini Y. Kore Technical Officer A
- Mr. Dnyaneshwar. R. Waghmare Technician C
Instructions for Users
Guidelines For Outside Users
- Both analysers and Sorters are available for outsiders to use on payment basis.
- Flow Cytometers are to be used on payment basis. (ADVANCE PAYMENT Cash / Cheque). Charges as follows:
a)For academic Institutions: Rs. 3000/- for 1 hr.*+ 18 % GST (service tax) as applicable
b)For Non-academic/Industries Rs.6000/- for 1 hr.+ 18 % GST (service tax) as applicable.
*(Approximately 20 tubes can be acquired in 1 hr.) Analysis of the data is included in the charges. - No infectious agents, pathogens and bacterial samples are accepted.
- All the consumables such as FACS Tubes, Media, Cells Strainers etc. have to be arranged by users, however, as a special case if user's want to use these consumables, they will be billed separately.
- Once payment is done, the data will be provided in a pendrive or CD given by the user.
- The available ANALYSERS are:
(a) FACS Canto-II {3 lasers (488 nm, 405 nm and 633 nm) – 08 colors} - The available SORTERS are:
(a) FACS ARIA III STANDARD {5 Lasers(Blue488nm, Red 633nm, Violet 405 nm /UV 375nm, Yellow Green 561nm) – 11Colours}
(b) FACS ARIA II SORP {4 Lasers (Blue488nm, Red 640nm, Violet 405 nm, UV 355nm) – 11 Colours}
If all the above listed conditions are acceptable, then the user can contact the Facility In-Charge on the mail-id -
Once permission is received then you can call the technician / operator in the facility on 020- 25708284/8285 for appointment on vacant slots.
Instruments Available
Flow cytometry data analysis software available:
1. Spectroflow
2. Summit
4. Kaluza
5. FACS Diva
6. FlowJo
7. FCS Express
FACS Core Facility In-Charge:
Dr. G. Lal, Scientist F
Cytek Autora & BD Facs Canto II |
020 2570 8284 |
MoFlo Astrios |
020 2570 8285 |
020 2570 8287 |
020 2570 8289 |
FACS Core Facility,
National Centre for Cell Science,
NCCS Complex, P.B. No. 40, Ganeshkhind Post,
S. P. Pune University Campus,
PUNE – 411 007,
Maharashtra State, India.
Fax: +91-20-2569 2259
Directions to FACS Core Facility: Situated in NCCS New Building above Library (2nd Floor)