Srikanth Rapole, Ph.D.
Research Areas
Biology of Cancer and chronic Diseases
Education and Experience
Ph.D. (2005), Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, India
M.Sc. (1997), Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India
B.Sc. (1995), Kakatiya University, Warangal, India
Research Experience
Scientist F, 2024 to present, National Centre for Cell Science, Pune, India
Scientist E, 2018 to 2024, National Centre for Cell Science, Pune, India
Scientist D, 2014 to 2018, National Centre for Cell Science, Pune, India
Scientist C, 2010 to 2014, National Centre for Cell Science, Pune, India
Academic Assistant, Mass Spectrometry Lab Director, 2008-2010, Department of Chemistry, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, USA
Postdoctoral Research Associate, 2005-2008, Department of Chemistry, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA
Research Interests
Quantitative proteomics and molecular approaches towards potential cancer biomarkers
Our lab is focused on the application of mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomics approaches to identify biomarkers and therapeutic targets in a number of cancers including breast cancer and haematological malignancies. We are using state-of-the-art mass spectrometric quantitative methods such as 2-D DIGE, iTRAQ and label free to identify differentially regulated proteins between non-neoplastic and neoplastic conditions and for characterizing post-translational modifications for several cancers. Candidate target markers are validated using immuno assays as well as SRM assays. Further potential biomarkers are subjected for functional studies to understand the mechanistic insights using molecular biology tools.
Metabolomics approach for understanding metabolomic alterations in cancer
Our lab is also focused on identifying and quantifying key metabolites and lipids associated with various cancers using mass spectrometry and bioinformatics. Furthermore, our lab is working towards discovering non-invasive metabolite signatures towards cancer screening and diagnosis using non-invasive biofluids such as urine and saliva samples. The results of integrated proteomics and metabolomics data can be used to identify biochemical pathways involved in particular cancer and eventually for the identification of new prognostic and predictive biomarkers.
Taunk K, Porto-Figueira P, Pereira JAM, Taware R, da Costa NL, Barbosa R, Rapole S, Camara JS. (2022) Urinary volatomic expression pattern: paving the way for identification of potential candidate biosignatures for lung cancer. Metabolites 12:36.
Behera S, Reddy RR, Taunk K, Rapole S, Pharande RR, Suryawanshi AR. (2022) Delineation of altered brain proteins associated with furious rabies virus infection in dogs by quantitative proteomics. Journal of Proteomics 253:104463.
Islam S, Dutta P, Chopra K, Rapole S, Chauhan R, Santra MK. FBXW8 regulates G1 and S phases of cell cycle progression by restricting b-TrCP1 function. (2021) The FEBS Journal 288:5474-5497.
Khan MZ, Singha B, Ali MF, Taunk K, Rapole S, Gourinath S, Nandicoori VK. (2021) Redox homeostasis in Mycobacterium tuberculosis is modulated by a novel actinomycete-specific transcription factor. The EMBO Journal 40:e106111.
Taware R, More TH, Bagadi M, Taunk K, Mane A, Rapole S. (2021) Lipidomics investigations into the tissue phospholipidomic landscape of invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast. RSC Advances 11:397-407.
Chanukuppa V, Taware R, Taunk K, Chatterjee T, Sharma S, Somasundaram V, Rashid F, Malakar D, Santra MK, Rapole S. (2021) Proteomic Alterations in Multiple Myeloma: A Comprehensive Study Using Bone Marrow Interstitial Fluid and Serum Samples. Frontiers in Oncology 10:566804.
Taunk K, Kalita B, Kale V, Chanukuppa V, Naiya T, Zingde SM, Rapole S. (2020) The development and clinical applications of proteomics: an Indian perspective. Expert Review of Proteomics (In Press).
Chanukuppa V, Paul D, Taunk K, Chatterjee T, Sharma S, Shirolkar A, Islam S, Santra MK, Rapole S. (2020) Proteomics and functional study reveal marginal zone B and B1 cell specific protein as a candidate marker of multiple myeloma. International Journal of Oncology 57:325-337.
Pereira JAM, Porto-Figueira P, Taware T, Sukul P, Rapole S., Camara JS. (2020) Unravelling the Potential of Salivary Volatile Metabolites in Oral Diseases. A Review. Molecules 25:3098.
Kalita B, Bano S, Vavachan VM, Taunk K, Seshadri V, Rapole S. (2020) Application of mass spectrometry based proteomics to understand diabetes: A special focus on interactomics. BBA Proteins and Proteomics 1868:140469.
Taware R, Taunk K, Kumar TVS, Pereira JAM, Camara JSC, Nagarajaram HA, Kundu GC, Rapole S. (2020) Extracellular volatilomic alterations induced by hypoxia in breast cancer cells. Metabolomics 16:21.
Chanukuppa V, Paul D, Taunk K, Chatterjee T, Sharma S, Kumar S, Santra MK, Rapole S. (2019) XPO1 is a critical player for bortezomib resistance in multiple myeloma: A quantitative proteomic approach. Journal of Proteomics 209:103504.
Chanukuppa V, More TH, Taunk K, Taware R, Chatterjee T, Sharma S, Rapole S. (2019) Serum metabolomic alterations in multiple myeloma revealed by targeted and untargeted metabolomics approaches: a pilot study. RSC Advances 9:29522.
Rizvi A, Shankar A, Chatterjee A, More TH, Bose T, Dutta A, Balakrishnan K, Madugulla L, Rapole S, Mande SS, Banerjee S, Mande SC. (2019) Rewiring of Metabolic Network in Mycobacterium tuberculosis During Adaptation to Different Stresses. Front. Microbiol. 10:2417.
Paul D, Islam S, Manne RK, Dinesh US, Malonia SK, Maity B, Boppana R, Rapole S, Shetty PK, Santra MK. (2019) F-box protein FBXO16 functions as a tumor suppressor by attenuating nuclear β-catenin function. J Pathology 248:266-279.
Paul D, Bargale AB, Rapole S, Shetty PK, Santra MK. (2019) Protein Phosphatase 1 Regulatory Subunit SDS22 Inhibits Breast Cancer Cell Tumorigenesis by Functioning as a Negative Regulator of the AKT Signaling Pathway. Neoplasia 21:30-40.
Kiran M, Naveena BM, Smrutirekha M, Baswa Reddy P, Rituparna B, Praveen Kumar Y, Venkatesh C, Rapole S. (2019) Traditional halal slaughter without stunning versus slaughter with electrical stunning of sheep (Ovis aries). Meat Science 148:127-136.
Taware R, Taunk K, Pereira JAM, Shirolkar A, Soneji D, Camara JS, Nagarajaram HA, Rapole S. (2018) Volatilomic insight of head and neck cancer via the effects observed on saliva metabolites. Scientific Reports 8:17725.
Chanukuppa V, Taware R, Chatterjee T, Sharma S, More TH, Taunk K, Kumar S, Santra MK, Rapole S. (2018) Current Understanding of the Potential of Proteomics and Metabolomics Approaches in Cancer Chemoresistance: A Focus on Multiple Myeloma. Curr Top Med Chem. 18:2584-2598.
Shende R, Wong SSW, Rapole S., Beau R, Ibrahim-Granet O, Monod M, Guhrs KH, Pal JK, Latge JP, Madan T, Aimanianda V, Sahu A. (2018) Aspergillus fumigatus conidial metalloprotease Mep1p cleaves host complement proteins. J Biol Chem. 293:15538-15555.
Vyas NA, Singh SB, Kumbhar AS, Ranade DS, Walke GR, Kulkarni PP, Jani V, Sonavane UB, Joshi RR, Rapole S. (2018) Acetylcholinesterase and A? Aggregation Inhibition by Heterometallic Ruthenium(II)-Platinum(II) Polypyridyl Complexes. Inorganic Chemistry 57:7524-7535.
Taunk K, Taware R, More TH, Porto-Figueira P, Pereira JAM, Mohapatra R, Soneji D, Camara JSC, Nagarajaram HA, Rapole S. (2018) A non-invasive approach to explore the discriminatory potential of the urinary volatilome of invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast. RSC Advances 8: 25040-50.
Cavacol C, Pereira JAM, Taunk K, Taware R, Rapole S, Nagarajaram H, Camara JS. (2018) Screening of salivary volatiles for putative breast cancer discrimination: an exploratory study involving geographically distant populations. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 410: 4459-68.
More TH, Taware R, Taunk K, Chanukuppa V, Naik V, Mane A, Rapole S. (2018) Investigation of altered urinary metabolomic profiles of invasive ductal carcinoma of breast using targeted and untargeted approaches. Metabolomics 14:107.
More TH, RoyChoudhury S, Christie J, Taunk K, Mane A, Santra MK, Chaudhury K, Rapole S. (2018) Metabolomic alterations in invasive ductal carcinoma of breast: A comprehensive metabolomic study using tissue and serum samples. Oncotarget 9: 2678-2696.
Naveena BM, Jagadeesh DS, Kamuni V, Muthukumar M, Kulkarni VV, Kiran M, Rapole S. (2018) In-gel and OFFGEL- based proteomic approach for authentication of meat species from minced meat and meat products. J Sci. Food Agric. 98: 1188-1196.
RoyChoudhury S, More TH, Chattopadhyay R, Lodh I, Ray CD, Bose G, Sarkar HS, Chakravarthy B, Rapole S, Chaudhury K. (2017) Polycystic ovary syndrome in Indian women: a mass spectrometry based serum metabolomics approach. Metabolomics 13:115.
Taware R, Taunk K, Pereira JAM, Dhakne R, Kannan N, Soneji D, Camara JS, Nagarajaram HA, Rapole S. (2017) Investigation of urinary volatomic alterations in head and neck cancer: a non-invasive approach towards diagnosis and prognosis. Metabolomics 13:111.
Gajbhiye A, Dabhi R, Taunk K, Jagadheeshaprasad MG, RoyChoudhury S, Mane A, Bayatigeri S, Chaudhury K, Santra MK, Rapole S. (2017) Multipronged quantitative proteomics reveals serum proteome alterations in breast cancer intrinsic subtypes. Journal of Proteomics 163: 1-13.
Walke GR, Ranade DS, Ramteke SN, Rapole S, Satriano C, Rizzarelli E, Tomaselli GA, Trusso Sfrazzetto G, Kulkarni PP. (2017) Fluorescent Copper Probe Inhibiting A?1-16-Copper(II)-Catalyzed Intracellular Reactive Oxygen Species Production.Inorganic Chemistry 56: 3729-32.
Gollapalli K, Ghantasala S, Atak A, Rapole S, Moiyadi A, Epari S, Srivastava S. (2017) Tissue proteome analysis of different grades of human gliomas provides major cues for glioma pathogenesis. Omics A Journal of Integrative Biology 21: 1-10.
Gollapalli K, Ghantasala S, Kumar S, Srivastava R, Rapole S, Moiyadi A, Epari S, Srivastava S. (2017) Subventricular zone involvement in Glioblastoma - A proteomic evaluation and clinicoradiological correlation. Scientific Reports 7:1449.
Bargale A, Patel A, Shetty P, Paul D, Gupta NA, Seshadri V, Manne RK, Agrawal Y, Rapole S, Subramanyam D, Santra M. (2017) A microRNA/Ubiquitin Ligase feedback loop regulates Slug-mediated invasion in breast cancer. Neoplasia 19:483-495.
Naveenaa BM, Jagadeesh DS, Babu AJ, Rao TM, Kamunia V, Vaithiyanathana S, Kulkarnia VV, Rapole S. (2017) OFFGEL electrophoresis and tandem mass spectrometry approach compared with DNA-based PCR method for authentication of meat species from raw and cooked ground meat mixtures containing cattle meat, water buffalo meat and sheep meat Food Chemistry 233:311-320.
More TH, Bagadi M, RoyChoudhury S, Dutta M, Uppal A, Mane A, Santra MK, Chaudhury K,Rapole S. (2017) Comprehensive quantitative lipidomic approach to investigate serum phospholipid alterations in breast cancer. Metabolomics 13:3.
Gajbhiye A, Dabhi R, Taunk K, Vannuruswamy G, RoyChoudhury S, Adhav R, Seal S, Mane A, Bayatigeri S, Santra MK, Chaudhury K, Rapole S. (2016) Urinary proteome alterations in HER2 enriched breast cancer revealed by multipronged quantitative proteomics. Proteomics 16: 2403-18.
Maheswarappa NB, Rani KU, Kumar YP, Kulkarni VV, Rapole S. (2016) Proteomic based approach for characterizing 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal induced oxidation of buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) and goat (Capra hircus) meat myoglobins. Proteome Science 14:8 1-16.
Ray S et al. (2016) Clinicopathological analysis and multipronged quantitative proteomics reveal oxidative stress and cytoskeletal proteins as possible markers for severe vivax malaria. Scientific Reports 6:24557.
Ginotra YP, Ramteke SN, Walke GR, Rapole S, Kulkarni PP. (2016) Histidine availability is decisive in ROS-mediated cytotoxicity of copper complexes of AB 1-16 peptide. Toward more transparent and reproducible omics studies through a common metadata checklist and data publications. Free Radical Research 50: 405-413.
Ganji R, Dhali S, Rizvi A, Rapole S, Banerjee S. (2016) Understanding HIV-Mycobacteria synergism through comparative proteomics of intra-phagosomal mycobacteria during mono- and HIV co-infection. Scientific Reports 6:22060.
Paul D, Chanukuppa V, Reddy PJ, Taunk K, Adhav R, Srivastava S, Santra MK, Rapole S. (2016) Global proteomic profiling identifies etoposide chemoresistance markers in non-small cell lung carcinoma. Journal of Proteomics 138:95-105.
Pendharkar N, Gajbhiye A, Taunk K, Choudhury SR, Dhali S, Seal S, Mane A, Abhang S, Santra MK, Chaudhury K, Rapole S. (2016) Quantitative tissue proteomic investigation of invasive ductal carcinoma of breast with luminal B HER2 positive and HER2 enriched subtypes towards potential diagnostic and therapeutic biomarkers. Journal of Proteomics 132:112-130.
Ganji R, Dhali S, Rizvi A, Sankati S, Vemula MH, Mahajan G, Rapole S, Banerjee S. (2016) Proteomics approach to understand reduced clearance of mycobacteria and high viral titers during HIV-mycobacteria co-infection Cellular Microbiology 18(3):355-368.
Rapole S, Kulkarni MJ, Thakur SS and Sengupta S. (2016) Next generation proteomics tools. Nature India special issue August: 18-20.
Singh A, Subramani E, Ray CD, Rapole S, Chaudhury K. (2015) Proteomic-driven biomarker discovery in gestational diabetes mellitus: A review. Journal of Proteomics 127:44-49.
More T, Choudhury SR, Gollapalli K, Patel SK, Gowda H, Chaudhury K, Rapole S. (2015) Metabolomics and its integration with systems biology: PSI 2014 conference panel discussion report. Journal of Proteomics 127:73-79.
Reddy JP, Sinha S, Ray S, Gajanan J, Chatterjee SA, Prasad KTS, Dhali S, Rapole S, Panda D, Srivastava S. (2015) Comprehensive Analysis of Temporal Alterations in Cellular Proteome of Bacillus subtilis under Curcumin Treatment. PLoS ONE 10(4):e0120620.
Pereira J, Porto-Figueira P, Cavaco C, Taunk K, Rapole S, Dhakne R, Nagarajaram H, Camara JS. (2015) Breath analysis as a potential and non-invasive frontier in disease diagnosis: An overview. Metabolites 5: 3-55.
Reddy PJ, Ray S, Sathe GJ, Gajbhiye A, Prasad TSK, Rapole S, Panda D, Srivastava S. (2015) Comprehensive proteomic analysis of totarol induced alterations in Bacillus subtilis by multipronged quantitative proteomics. Journal of Proteomics (In Press).
Reddy PJ, Ray S, Sathe GJ, Prasad TSK, Rapole S, Panda D, Srivastava S. (2015) Proteomic analysis of Bacillus subtilis after treatment with Plumbagin, a Plant-derived Naphthoquinone. Omics: A Journal of Integrative Biology (In Press).
Datta M, Subramani E, Taunk K, Gajbhiye A, Seal S, Pendharkar N, Dhali S, Ray CD, Lodh I, Chakravarty B, Dasgupta S, Rapole S, Chaudhury K. (2015) Investigation of serum proteome alterations in human endometriosis. Journal of Proteomics 114: 182-196.
Jain R, Kulkarni P, Dhali S, Rapole S, Srivastava S. (2015) Quantitative proteomic analysis of global effect of LLL12 on U87 cell's proteome. An insight into the molecular mechanism of LLL12. Journal of Proteomics 113: 127-142.
Sancheti P, Patil R, Dube A, Bhonsle H, Thombre D, Marathe S, Vidhate R, Wagh P, Kulkarni MJ, Rapole S, Gade W. (2014) Proteomics of arsenic stress in the gram-positive organism Exiguobacterium sp. PS NCIM 5463. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 98: 6761-6773.
Ramteke SN, Walke GR, Joshi BN, Rapole S, Kulkarni PP. (2014) Effects of oxidation on redox and cytotoxic properties of copper complex of Aβ1-16 peptide. Free Radical Research 48: 1417-1425.
Walke GR, Rapole S, Kulkarni PP. (2014) Cisplatin inhibits the formation of a reactive intermediate during copper-catalyzed oxidation of Amyloid β -peptide. Inorganic Chemistry 53: 10003-10005.
Kumar R, Dhali S, Srikanth R, Ghosh SK, Srivastava S. (2014) Comparative proteomics of mitosis and meiosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of Proteomics 109: 1-15.
Kolker E et al. (2014) Toward more transparent and reproducible omics studies through a common metadata checklist and data publications. Omics: A Journal of Integrative Biology 18: 10-14.
Reddy PJ, Rao AA, Malhotra D, Sharma S, Kumar R, Jain R, Gollapalli K, Pendharkar N, Srikanth R, Srivastava S. (2014) A simple protein extraction method for proteomic analysis of diverse biological specimens. Current Proteomics 10: 298-311.
Rao AA, Patkari M, Reddy PJ, Srivastava R, Pendharkar N, Srikanth R, Mehra S, Srivastava S. (2014) Proteomic analysis of streptomyces coelicolor in response to ciprofloxacin challenge. Journal of Proteomics 97: 222-234.
Ramteke SN, Ginotra YP, Walke GR, Joshi BN, Kumbhar AS, Srikanth R, Kulkarni PP. (2013) Effects of oxidation on copper-binding properties of A?1-16 peptide: A pulse radiolysis study. Free Radical Research 47: 1046-1053.
Sancheti P, Bhonsle H, Patil RH, Kulkarni MJ, Srikanth R, Gade WN. (2013) Arsenomics of Exiguobacterium sp. PS (NCIM 5463). RSC Advances 3:9705-9713
Paul D, Kumar A, Gajbhiye A, Santra MK, Srikanth R. (2013) Mass spectrometry-based proteomics in molecular diagnostics: Discovery of biomarkers using tissue culture. BioMed Research International 2013:ID 783131;1-16
Rao A, Mahajan K, Bankar A, Srikanth R, Kumar AR, Gosavi S, Zinjarde S. (2013) Facile synthesis of size-tunable gold nanoparticles by pomegranate (Punica granatum) leaf extract.: Applications in arsenate sensing. Materials Research Bulletin 48: 1166-1173.
Ray S, Renu D, Srivastava R, Gollapalli K, Taur S, Jhaveri T, Dhali S, Chennareddy S, Potla A, Dikshit JB, Gogtay N, Srikanth R, Thatte U, Patankar S, Srivastava S. (2012) Proteomic investigation of Falciparum and Vivax Malaria for identification of surrogate protein markers. PLOS ONE 7 (8): e41751.
Ginotra YP, Ramteke SN, Srikanth R, Kulkarni PD. (2012) Mass spectral studies reveal the structure Aβ3 1-16-Cu2+ complex resembling ATCUN motif. Inorganic Chemistry 51: 7960-7962.
Gollapalli K, Ray S, Srivastava R, Renu D, Singh P, Dhali S, Dikshit JB, Srikanth R, Moiyadi A, Srivastava S. (2012) Investigation of serum proteome alterations in human glioblastoma multiforme. Proteomics 12: 2378-2390.
Srivastava R, Ray S, Vaibhav V, Gollapalli K, Taur S, Dhali S, Gogtay N, Thatte U, Srikanth R, Srivastava S. (2012) Serum Proteome Analysis of Leptospirosis by Two Dimensional Fluorescence Difference Gel Electrophoresis and Mass Spectrometry. Journal of Proteomics 76: 56-65.
Ray S, Kamath KS, Srivastava R, Raghu D, Gollapalli K, Jain R, Gupta SV, Ray S, Taur S, Dhali S, Gogtay N, Thatte U, Srikanth R, Patankar S, Srivastava S. (2012) Serum proteome analysis of Vivax Malaria: Mechanistic insight into the disease pathogenesis and host immune response. Journal of Proteomics 75:3060-3083.
Srikanth R, Mendoza VL, Bridgewater JD, Zhang G, Vachet RW. (2009) Copper binding to beta-2-microglobulin and its pre-amyloid oligomers. Biochemistry 48: 9871-9881.
Ryppa C, Niedzwiedzki D, Morozowich NL, Srikanth R, Zeller M, Frank HA, Bruckner C. (2009) Stepwise conversion of two pyrrole moieties of octaethylprophyrin to pyridine-3-ones: Synthesis and mass spectral and photophysical properties of mono and bis(oxypyri)porphyrins. Chem. Eur. J. 15: 5749-5762.
Srikanth R, Wilson J, Vachet RW. (2009) Correct identification of oxidized histidine residues using electron transfer dissociation. J. Mass Spectrom. 44: 755-762.
Srikanth R, Wilson J, Burn CS, Vachet RW. (2008) Identification of the Copper(II) coordinating residues in the Prion protein by metal-catalyzed oxidation mass spectrometry: Evidence for multiple isomers at low copper(II) loadings. Biochemistry 47: 9258-9268.
Antwi K, Mahar M, Srikanth R, Olbris MR, Tyson JF, Vachet RW. (2008) Copper(II) organizes β-2-Microglobulin oligomers but is released before amyloid formation. Protein Science 17: 748-759.
Feinberg LF, Srikanth R, Vachet RW, Holden JF. (2008) Constraints on anaerobic respiration in the hyperthermophilic archaea pyrobaculum islandicum and pyrobaculum aerophilum. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 74: 396-402.
Srikanth R, Wilson J, Bridgewater JD, Numbers JR, Lim J, Olbris MR, Kettani A, Vachet RW. (2007) Improved Sequencing of Oxidized Cysteine and Methionine Containing Peptides Using Electron Transfer Dissociation. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 18: 1499-1506.
Bridgewater JD, Srikanth R, Lim J, Vachet RW. (2007) The effect of histidine oxidation on the dissociation patterns of peptide ions. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 18: 553-562.
Reddy PN, Srikanth R, Srinivas R, Sharma VUM, Sharma GVM, Nagendar P. (2006) Electrospray tandem mass spectrometry of alkali-cationized BocN-carbo-alpha,beta- and -beta,alpha-peptides: Differentiation of positional isomers. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 20: 3351-3360.
Srikanth R, Reddy PN, Bhanuprakash K, Srinivas R. (2006) Generation and characterization of ionic and neutral ClPOH+/. and ClPSH+/. by tandem mass spectrometry and computational study. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 249-250: 206-214.
Reddy PN, Srikanth R, Swamy NS, Srinivas R, Sharma GVM, Nagender P, Krishna PR. (2005) Differentiation of Boc- a,b- and b,a-peptides and a pair of diastereomeric b,a-peptides by positive and negative ion Electrospray Tandem Mass Spectrometry (ESI MS/MS). J. Mass Spectrom. 40: 1429-1438.
Srikanth R, Raju NP, Reddy PN, Srinivas R, Sharma GVM, Subhash V, Krishna PR. In-Source decay of Boc-Carbo-b3-peptides in Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 19: 2105-2109.
Srikanth R, Reddy PN, Bhanuprakash K, Srinivas R, Syrstad EA, Turecek F. (2005) Generation and characterization of ionic and neutral HSPOH+/. and SP(OH)2+/. by tandem mass spectrometry and computational study. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 16: 1353-1366.
Reddy PN, Srikanth R, Bhanuprakash K, Srinivas R. (2005) Selenoketene (H2C)+. and Selenoketyl Cumulene (HC)+ ions and their neutral counterparts: a tandem mass spectrometric and computational study. J. Mass Spectrom. 40: 796-806.
Reddy PN, Srikanth R, Venkateswarlu N, Rao RN, Srinivas R. (2005) Mass Spectral study of substituted aromatic sulfonic acids by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS): Differentiation of three isomeric aromatic sulfonic acids. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 19: 72-76.
Srikanth R, Reddy PN, Srinivas R, Sharma GVM, Reddy KR, Krishna PR. (2004) Mass spectral study of Alkali Cationized Boc-carbo-β3-peptides by Electrospray Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 18: 3041-3050.
Reddy PN. Srikanth R, Bhanuprakash K, Srinivas R. (2004) Generation and characterization of ionic and neutral methylene isothiocyante by tandem mass spectrometry and computational study. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 18: 1939-1946.
Srikanth R, Reddy PN, Narsimha R, Srinivas R, Sharma GVM, Reddy KR, Krishna PR. (2004) Mass spectral study of Boc-carbo-β3-peptides: differentiation of two pairs of positional and diastereomeric isomers. J. Mass Spectrom. 39: 1068-1074.
Reddy PN. Srikanth R, Swamy NS, Bhanuprakash K, Srinivas R. (2004) Generation and characterization of ionic and neutral selenocumulene HC3Se+/. by tandem mass spectrometry and computational study. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 232: 231-237.
Srikanth R, Bhanuprakash K, Srinivas R, Wong CY, Terlouw JK. (2004) Protonated silanoic acid HSi(OH)2+ and its neutral counterpart: a tandem mass spectrometry and CBS-QB3 computational study. J. Mass Spectrom. 39: 303-311.
Dimopoulos G, Srikanth R, Srinivas R, Terlouw JK. (2002) Generation and characterization of protonated silicic acid Si(OH)3+ and its neutral counterpart by tandem mass spectrometry and computational chemistry. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 221: 219-227.
Srikanth R, Bhanuprakash K, Srinivas R. (2002) Generation and characterization of ionic and neutral silicon dihydroxide Si(OH)2+./0 and silanoic acid HSi(O)OH+./0 in the gas phase by tandem mass spectrometry and computational chemistry. Chemical Physics Letters 360: 294-303.
Srikanth R, Srinivas R, Bhanuprakash K, Vivekananda S, Syrstad EA, Turecek F. (2002) Generation and characterization of ionic and neutral P(OH)2+/. in the gas phase by tandem mass spectrometry and computational study. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 13: 250-264.
Eminent Mass Spectrometrist Award from the Indian Society for Mass Spectrometry (2019)
Rapid Grant for Young Investigator, 2012.
Best paper award by CSIR for the year 2002-2003 in the area of Physical sciences.
Senior Research Fellowship from Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India (2002- 2005)
Junior Research Fellowship from Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India (2000- 2002)
Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) - 2000
Proteomics Society, India (PSI) - General Secretary
Indian society for mass spectrometry (ISMAS) Life Member
Proteomics Society, India (PSI) - Life Member
American society for mass spectrometry (ASMS) - Member
Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) - Member
Indian Society of Translational Research (ISTR) - Life Member
Editorial board member - Journal of Proteins and Proteomics
Editor - Journal of Proteins and Proteomics
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry
Journal of American Society for Mass Spectrometry
Journal of Mass Spectrometry
OMICs- A Journal of Integrative Biology
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Molecular Cancer
Journal of Proteome Research
Scientific Reports
Journal of Proteomics
Clinical Proteomics
Proteomics - Clinical Applications
BMC Cancer
RSC Advances
Analytical Biochemistry
BBA - Proteins and Proteomics
Oncology Letters
Funding and Collaborations
Dr. Manas Santra, NCCS, Pune
Dr. Sanjeeva Srivastava, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Dr. Prasad Kulkarni, Agharkar Research Institute, Pune
Dr. Koel Choudhury, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Current Lab Members
Osheen, Ph.D. Student (CSIR-SRF)
K A Ashiq, Ph.D. Student (CSIR-SRF)
Sai Kiran Jajula, Ph. D. Student (DBT-SRF)
Vaishali Sharma, Ph. D. Student (DBT-SRF)
Pranita Bhavsar, Ph.D. Student (DBT-SRF)
Sadanand Bhanuse, Ph.D. Student (DBT-SRF)
Khushman Taunk, CSIR-RA
M. V. Vijayakumar, Tech. Officer C
Venkateshwarlu Naik, Technician C
Alumni - Post-Doctoral Fellows
Dr. Ravindra Taware, 2015-2020, Assistant Professor, NIPER, Ahmedabad
Dr. Bhargab Kalita, 2019-2021, Assistant Professor, Amrita University
Dr. Amey Shirolkar, 2017-2019
Dr. Rajvardhan Kapshikar, 2019-2021
Lab Alumni - Ph.D. Students
Akshada Gajbhiye, 2011-2017, Post-doctoral fellow; Newcastle University, UK
Tushar More, 2012-2018, Post-doctoral fellow; University of Southern Denmark
Venkatesh Chanukuppa, 2013-2019, Application Scientist, Thermo Fisher Scientific India
Project Scholars
Jeesa Satapathy | Shruti Bakshi | Yashpal Singh |
Harshada Gaikwad | Kaustubh Dange | Raghini Adhav |
Joel Christie | Namitha Pendharkar | Vasundara Srivasthava |
Shrutika Naik | Anjali Joshi | Debanjan Roy |
R Sindhuja | Nutan Tungar | Raju Dabhi |
Somnath Ghosal | Prashant Ravisham | Ramkumar Deshmukh |
Uthara Devi | Divya Singh | Sulagna Das |
Arpita Halder | Korak Chakraborty | Jyoti Srivastava |
Vaikhari Kale | Irsha Gaikwad | Yogendra Kharde |
Rajeshwari Shome | Kuhu Puranik | Shubhendu Hazra |
Last updated On : 23 July 2024 04:49